Four weeks?
Four weeks???Have I
really been neglectful of blogging for almost four full weeks?
Yikes.Well, this is my apology for the lack of updates and “hellos”, as well as my attempt to get back up on the horse.
I tell ya, friends…life over here has been, well, just plain
crazy. Possibly even a tad on the psychotic side. Since I’m a list-lover, I’ll give you a nice run-down of what September has included so far:
- One last beach trip/visit to my parent’s house in NJ (don’t worry Mom and Dad: it was the last beach trip of 2010, not the last trip we’ll take to see you guys; stay calm).
- Early morning and/or late evening training runs (Hubby and I are running a half-marathon on November 6. His first - Yay! - my third.).
- A lovely stomach virus that produced two vomiting children, one during the night and the other during the day (Thank you, Jesus, that this mayhem didn’t go on at the same time!).
- A visit from a mouse who jumped out of our trash can when I opened it, leaving me screaming during the 6:15am discovery. After some trap-setting and the capture of two mice, I think Hubby sent the message out that they are not welcome in our house.
- A little more sharing of the stomach virus to me, putting me out of commission for a few days. There’s nothing like the leader of this circus life being out of it for a little bit…just come check out our house and you’ll know what I mean.
- Hubby working evenings and some Saturdays, leaving me to fend for myself against the Halflings.
- The return to our church small group meetings every other Wednesday (which we LOVE - absolutely no complaints there!)
- Meetings for and the start up of senior high youth group (we agreed to help out this year...we think it will be fun!)
On top of all that, I have been running between two jobs each week for the past few months, questioning what I want to do in life, worrying about whether to send Danae to kindergarten next fall or home school her (yeah, I know I have time to decide...I'm just ridiculous)...
I'm sure you get the picture by now.
For the most part, it has been self-imposed mayhem, so we know we are the ones to blame. We brought too much on ourselves, all at the same time, for way too long. This "busyness" seems to be the way we operate...but no one said it's healthy or beneficial. We have had no personal date time for reflection or deep conversation with each other or others...
So, it's time for a little change.
As of mid-October, I'll have only one job (like a normal person), which is only 2-3 miles from our home. The commute will be short, my kids will be closer, and I'll be working less.
Hubby has completed most of his side jobs, leaving just one for this fall/winter...and leaving him with some time to hunt in November. ;o)
We will be taking the kids with us to Sunday night youth group twice per month instead of leaving them with a babysitter once again. Maybe they will like us more because of that.
We will be studying a great Max Lucado book with our small group this fall, so that coupled with great prayer time with friends can only be good!
And I will try my
hardest to continue posting here. I realized that this (along with running) is a release for's personal time for me to reflect and share, seek out advice, give back to others...and I need it.
So, I'm back! ;o)