Where could that have come from??
Ahh, I see...
Her first lost tooth, which came out on the first day of Spring. (Yes, I'm completely aware that was last week. Can you tell I'm a little behind these days??)
Note her poor little puffy eyes, lashes still wet with tears. Lots of screaming and crying and dramaticness in our house that night. (Not from me...well, maybe a little bit.)
Another change for my
Danae informed me that she knows there's no such thing as the "Tooth Fairy". That I'm the one who would leave something under her pillow, if anything. That she would not be leaving her tooth for me to take. No.Thank.You.
She also wrote a lovely note, just in case I can't take direct verbal orders:
Ahh, it's true. One of my offspring is turning out as controlling as me. ;o)
Since I'm an obliging Fairy, (and since she did put "please" twice in her note), I did as she wished.
Save that note! Too cute!
I wonder what the next note would've said, had the Tooth Fairy not honored her wishes...
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