I'm not completely sure where 2009 went. Between the birthdays, activities, work, weddings, weekend trips, and watching two children grow, my belly has found the time to expand greatly in what seems like the blink of an eye. We know that March is just around the corner!
This pregnancy is going just fine so far.
Um, well, actually, let me take that back and be quite honest with you: this has been the toughest one yet. I absolutely loved being pregnant with our first...I'll dare say I missed it after she was born. I felt great the entire time and bounced back quickly after she was born.
Number Two was slightly different, probably because he was a 10-pound Butterball who made my back ache like crazy and gave me crazy leg cramps and nerve pain down my leg. Even though he was two pounds heavier and two inches longer than our first, his labor and birth were BY FAR easier and more manageable. (I attribute a lot of that to where I had him, which is where I'll go again with this one...more on that in a later post, since there are lots of varying opinions on it.) ;o)
Now, with Number Three, things are just...different. I ache often, have stronger Braxton Hicks contractions, have difficulty sleeping, and feel quite large for being 6 months pregnant. The looks and comments are daily and include things like, "When are you due? Oh...oh my..." and "Are you sure there's only one in there?" and "Did you calculate your due date right?" My daily mood can usually be summed up as irritable/tired/not fun to live with.
Oh, how I hate to complain, especially since being pregnant is truly a gift from the Lord and should be taken no other way! Please don't get me wrong...we are downright excited for March to come and to meet this little boy or girl (nope, not finding out...not even getting an ultrasound this time).
We know it will be a time of challenge, but we also know that this child will be loved like crazy and adored by his/her big brother and sister. But if you want to know the truth on my current status, there it is above. I'm a tired crazy pregnant lady who is really, really, really looking forward to March. :o) Will I miss being pregnant? Probably, especially since this might be the last one. But I'm realizing that my short stature and small frame wear out quickly, and having bigger than average babies can take its toll on me.
So, there you have it. Six months down, three to go, and feeling large and in charge. :o) Thanks for reading my ramblings and actually liking me throughout the past six months!
Happy New Year to you and yours, and may it be a blessed one!