Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cold Day Fun

What we do on cold, stay in the house days: Stick the baby in a play stroller that is way too small.

Oh the fun. Funny-ness, rather.


Tim said...

Holy cow, your son is enormous.

Pretty in Pink said...

Wow, look how big Caedon is getting... What a cute chubbie baby...

Cariluz and Ike said...

Hahaha...what a gorgeous chunky monkey! Danae must love having her own life-size doll-baby to push around the house in that thing!

Aimee said...

He's too big for a doll stroller already?? CRAZY!!!

Amanda said...

That picture is going to be a classic. You need to file that one away for the baby picture page in his senior yearbook. :)