Thursday, September 13, 2007


Boy do I feel yucky! We've been battling head colds in our house for the past few days. First Curt, then me...and we are praying that Danae doesn't get anything from us! The congestion, watery eyes, and coughing can really get to you. I have a meeting today and one tomorrow morning with potential clients, and I'm hoping I don't cough and sneeze all over them! :o)

This is the first week that I haven't kept up with the training program for the race. I was supposed to do a speed workout yesterday...yup, skipped that! The fastest I got was a walk to the store for some medicine! I'm hoping I can get in a long run this weekend sometime, but with my parents coming for a visit, it may not be possible. Oh, least I'm near the end of this cold and I'm not feeling like this the week or day of the race, right? :o)

So, any takers for the PT Fall Blast in Lititz??? Let me know!

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