Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hunting Season

It's officially deer season, and Curt's out there on a quest to get the buck of Tioga County. :o) Danae and I went with him to his parent's cabin to keep him company in-between his hunting excursions. So far, it's been rain, rain, rain...and then some! It makes for a difficult time of hunting, but we had some other adventures.

First, within an hour of arriving at the cabin, we decided to go for a walk. As we passed the shed, Curt and I heard a waterfall-like noise...and then discovered that a water heater pipe had burst in the shed, and water was flowing out of the side of the shed. Lovely. A few hardware store parts and supplies, and it was back to normal...but without hot water. So, yes...smelliness abounded for a few days.

Our second adventure was a bit more exciting. So, it rained a TON Monday night into Tuesday, turning the creek behind the cabin (that also runs along the unpaved road to the cabin) into a mini whitewater rapids of sorts. As we drove Curt out to his hunting spot on Tuesday morning, we went by a spot where there's a road across the creek that is usually crossable...only to find two men standing in the back of a pickup, halfway submerged in the water. Oh boy. I checked to see of anyone was already helping them. Nope. We were the first sign of life they had seen, (mind you, it was a little after 7am), and they had already been there almost an hour! Danae and I sped back to the cabin, called 911, and hurried back to the men. Poor guys. They were safe, but the truck seemed to be a goner. Within 10-15 minutes, an ambulance, fire squad, police, health personnel, and fire police were all on the little dirt road, getting the men to safety.

All in all, it was a good time away, even though a buck did not end up in the back of our truck. Let's see what this coming weekend brings for the hunting hubby! :o)


Anonymous said...

ohhh my gosh!!
that sounds scary.

well iloveyou all!

The lady of the house... said...

that is CRAZINESS!! you just never know what you'll find out there in those woods! here's my email address: JJ9702@juno.com Hopefully no hackers read these comments!! by the way, how's potty training going? i think it's US getting trained more then our children!!!!